Carlos Guzman's post-medieval style combines fantasy and allegory. He brings us to a real world where people do not go. A parallel universe perhaps. His androgenous subjects adorned in richly decorated costumes reflect an era lost in the passage of time yet they tell a story as real in that lost era as it is today.
As wonderfully put by the Cuban art critic, Estela Ferrer Raveiro, "In drawings, paintings, and even three-dimensional artifacts, his ability to breathe life into oneiric worlds is confirmed. Subjects like lack of communication and the loneliness of individuals become recurrent in his work. These themes have been present for him since 1989 when, as a new graduate from the San Alejandro Academy, he began to work at Havana’s Psychiatric Hospital. His experience during his graduation thesis would accompany him forever. For this reason, from time to time his characters seem to be immersed in a distant world, prisoners of their ruminations."